If I use LPG and not normal mains gas will it affect the heat output on my hob?
Q) If I use LPG and not normal mains gas will it affect the heat output on my hob?
A) No it will not, the heat output will stay the same.
You can see the difference between natural gas and LPG most easily when you
buy a gas appliance. Normally, you are supplied with two sets of jets, one set
for natural gas and one set for LPG. You install one jet in each burner. The
jet is simply a little screw-in cap with a hole drilled into it. The
difference is that the hole in the jet for natural gas is bigger -- about
twice as big -- as the hole in the jet for LPG.
The reason for this difference is because LPG contains much more energy than
natural gas. A cubic foot of natural gas contains something like 1,000 BTU
(British thermal units) of energy. A cubic foot of propane contains perhaps
2,500 BTU. You can see that if you take a gas appliance set up for natural
gas and then run it on LPG, the appliance is going to run more than twice as